Don't you just love having those chilled, relaxing days? I know I do, sometimes you just need at least one perfectly chilled and relaxing day a week, to let your mind and body rest, to get re-charged and re-inspired, and I'm not talking about those totally lazy bed days, when you just stay in your pajamas, eat your favorite foods in bed and watch TV series all day long, with some breaks to do some online shopping. I'm not saying those kind of lazy days are bad, in fact they're pretty awesome, and you need those too, but today I'm talking about something a little different. I'm talking about those days, that you use to re-charge, detox, and just get inspired really, so let's talk about some of my tips, on how to have those kind of days.
Now I'm not saying, that you need to jump out of bed, start doing some crazy exercises. First of all start with not checking your instagram, facebook, twitter also don't turn on your TV straight away, instead get up, go to the kitchen, make yourself a glass of warm water with lemon, and a cup of green tea (why? because these drinks will help your body wake up and detox) while drinking that, it would be a great idea to read a book, that inspires you.
Once you're finished with that, then what about some yoga? Normally, I would not recommend exercising if you haven't had your breakfast yet, as I personally feel like if I haven't ate yet, I don't have as much energy, however some gentle morning yoga is a different story. Here is what I would recommend:
Once you're done with yoga, it's time for breakfast! Of course if you want to feel great, make sure to eat something healthy, something, that would actually nourish your body, and will give you energy. What about a delicious porridge? healthy pancakes? a smoothie? or maybe nice cream? Here I found a video with some healthy recipes, I'm sure you'll find some inspiration of what you could make:
As you're using this day to relax and get re-inspired, I think, that while eating your healthy and delicious breakfast it would be a great idea to watch some motivational/inspirational videos, right? I personally love watching videos of people, that are positive and passionate about what they're doing, about life and creativity. Need some examples? Have a look at these:
Now that you've ate, watched something that inspires and motivates you, maybe it would be a great idea to go for a walk? You don't have to spend loads of time outside if you don't feel like it, but getting some air is always a good idea, it will help you think more clearly, and I'm pretty sure, that you'll feel more energized after spending some time outside.
Let's not go straight to watching your favorite TV series though haha, what about getting creative? draw something? make a video? create a vision board? write a blog post? or just do some creative writing in your notebook, I personally love writing down whatever is on my mind, I noticed, that it really helps my creativity. Don't feel like doing those kind of things? Well then what about trying out a new recipe? or detoxing your wardrobe while dancing around to your favorite songs. Basically, spend some time doing anything, that makes you feel great.
Now what about a hot bath? some candles? hair mask, face mask, detoxifying body scrub? spend some time treating yourself, relaxing. Not sure what I'm talking about? Get inspired by this video:
Now make yourself some delicious snacks, hot chocolate or tea, get really comfortable&cozy some of your favorite TV series, forget about everything, and just get into your favorite drama world. Not sure what to watch? Press here and you'll find a post about my favorite TV shows, however that post is a bit old, and now there are some more TV shows, that I would add to the list, but let's talk about that some other time.
As you've spent this day relaxing, re-charging and motivating yourself, tomorrow you should feel awesome and ready to do so many productive things, right? well, then it's important to get enough sleep, some good, deep sleep, so that the next day you would feel ah-mazing! How are we gonna do that?
Let's have a cup of relaxing, night time tea, the kind of tea, that calms you down, and makes you feel relaxed.
Meditate, try some calming breathing or try ASMR (I recently found out about this thing, and it's really cool, but I will talk about that separately). Not everyone is in to those kind of things though, so if you don't feel like trying any of those things, then just read a book while drinking your night time tea, that will definitely help you feel sleepier.
Well now....
and...have a productive day tomorrow!
I love blog posts like these. I'm a sucker for a relaxation day: and there's nothing better than feeling motivated but relaxed come 7pm. What an inspiring post X